No one like being handed a marketing curveball, but there always appears to be something else to learn or do if you want to get it right. It’d be good if life (or at least your job) slowed down a little, but it may signal disaster for your company. As a result, you must learn new talents rapidly in order to show your supervisor that you are not an office dinosaur. You don’t want to be the last person to leave the office every night, either.
If you have a lot of additional duties on your plate, the first rule of thumb is to be calm and not worry. Here are a few basic ways to help you quickly pick up new skills.
Dissect the New Tasks.
The first step is to deconstruct the situation. Spend some time assessing the most important aspects of your profession and categorizing them. To perfect a talent, you must first have a clear knowledge of what you need to learn. Each skill should be divided into distinct categories based on its complexity and importance. For example, if your boss has asked you to create a print ad next month and film a company video in three months, you should first inquire about the abilities you’ll need to develop the ad before looking into video editing software. Consider what you need to know at a bare minimum before you can begin adopting or taking action in each major area.
Make a list of quick tools.
You need to get up to speed quickly and find things that you can utilize right now so you can get started right away. A call to the IT department should be at the top of your priority list if you need IT upgrades for new programs or apps to design marketing materials. Also, don’t be scared to seek help on how to use programs.
Look for a mentor.
Find a professional in the field you wish to learn about. It doesn’t have to be the author of a best-selling book; it may be someone who has spent a significant amount of time in marketing. Take them out to lunch so you can pick their brains in a relaxed setting. You should also sign up for webinars and take the three-hour social media introduction course. When you’re at the event, make a point of collecting business cards from people you can ask for help. Although it is critical to seek outside assistance, you should not schedule so many webinars during your first month on the job that you become overwhelmed with information and have no time to accomplish your work.
Begin with being as “minimally effective” as possible.
It’s preferable to focus on a small number of tasks well rather than taking on too many and failing to complete any of them. Seek advice from your manager to ensure you understand the tasks that are most important to him or her. It takes less time to take tiny, high-value steps, and you will learn more. It’s similar to learning a new language in that you start by memorizing the most often used and valuable vocabulary.
Everything should be scheduled.
Set firm deadlines for the creation of marketing materials with your supervisor, and use a “tickle system” to keep you on track. It’s critical to schedule everything and keep a running list that’s checked on a frequent basis. Trello and other similar apps can help you manage your calendar across many digital devices.