How Does Your Home’s Design Affect Your Subconscious Mind?

When we talk about interior design, we usually focus on the aesthetic aspects – how to attain a specific look, which decorating style to copy, and new design trends to keep an eye on. That’s merely a part of the picture. The philological effect of interior design on your subconscious is an area that isn’t typically taken into account. Whether you believe it or not, the decisions you make about the appearance of your home have a demonstrated impact on your emotions and perceptions.

The color of your kitchen walls may be contributing to your anxiety, and the brand of your couch may give the impression that you’re aloof. Do you want to make sure your house makes a good first impression? Continue reading to learn more about the psychological aspects of design. Use this information to build an interior and exterior design that works for you. Your design will be aesthetically and psychologically attractive if you follow these guidelines.

Your Mood is Affected by Color Selection

It’s no surprise that color plays an important role in our perception of the world. However, it may come as a surprise to some that the colors in our environment have a significant impact on our moods and emotions. When you’re planning the interior design of your home, make sure you’re utilizing colors that complement the mood you want to set in the room. Color psychology as we know it now dates back to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s book, Theory of Colors, published in the early 1800s.

Though there is some disagreement over the effects of various colors, researchers, interior designers, and marketing experts tend to agree on the following key principles:

  • Red is a color that represents strength and passion. It can be used to make areas feel more intimate by warming them up.
  • Orange provides a burst of energy and creativity. Because too much of it might make people feel overwhelmed, it’s best employed as an accent.
  • Yellow is a color that is associated with joy, creation, and creativity. It creates a pleasant atmosphere when combined with a relaxing neutral and in rooms with plenty of natural light.
  • Green is known for its calming properties. The color green is ideal for a foyer or entryway because it softens the transition from outside to within.
  • Blue maintains a sense of tranquility and freshness. It works well in high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Purple is a royal and luxurious color. Purple is a fantastic color for formal living rooms or master suites because it exudes a sense of luxury and sophistication.
  • Gray provides a sense of calm and tranquility. Gray is a great color to use in places like home offices and restrooms.
  • Brown is a natural roots, like green’s, give it a soothing effect. It’s ideal for family gathering areas and furniture combinations that encourage conversation.
  • Black is a statement of authority. Black is a great color to use for statement pieces that you want to draw attention to.
  • White evokes feelings of purity and cleanliness. It’s wonderful for defining a space, but use it in combination with other colors to avoid looking sterile.

Remember that three choices are better than one when choosing colors for your decor. Choose a neutral for the largest pieces, like as walls and flooring, and a more soothing color for furniture and other durable items. Then, for your statement accessories and décor, choose a third, more dramatic color.

Your Procedures Will Reveal Your Personality

It’s time to select how to fill the area after you’ve painted the walls. Sociologist Jean Baudrillard argues in his book The System of Objects that every object chosen to fill a space contributes to its purpose. Beyond that, the mix of every object that fills an interior – from seating configurations to wall hangings, and all the way down to the coasters on your coffee table – acts as a reflection of our personalities and wishes. He claims that when we bring visitors into our houses, people evaluate our interiors based on four unique value factors, in addition to how the rooms appear on the exterior:

  • Will this item fulfill your requirements? Is your kitchen table large enough to accommodate your entire family? Is this flooring going to cover the entire room?
  • Is this item really worth the money? Would you rather spend $1,000 on a single high-end couch or $1,000 on an entire bedroom suite?
  • Is there an emotional connection to this item? Do you want to decorate with a collection of family photos or a reproduction of a painting?
  • Is there a special or status symbol on this item? Is it a branded or generic product?

Using these criteria, a person who picks a smaller, designer couch over a generic brand with plenty of room for their family to stretch out will be seen as being particularly concerned with their image and social status. A person with a simple kitchen, on the other hand, will be perceived as more friendly and sentimental than someone with a refrigerator door covered in children’s artwork and postcards from friends’ vacations. While there are no right or wrong choices, consider Baudrillard’s work as you shop for goods to fill your rooms. Make sure your interiors are conveying the message you want to send.

Unconsciously, your design choices reveal your personality.

The Illusion of More is aided by the perception of space.

“Dress for the job you desire, not the job you have,” as the adage goes. While that is sound advice for acing an interview, it doesn’t end there. The sentiment can be used to decorate your home’s rooms just as effortlessly. For decades, interior designers have used a concept known as Perception of Space to make homes appear more spacious and to make rooms as user-friendly as possible. Essentially, it is employing visual gimmicks to influence how others perceive the space around them.

Choose furniture that is scaled to size and leaner, hang a wide mirror on the rear wall, and add depth with wall hangings to make a space appear larger. Stick to a warm color palette, establish intimate groupings with furniture, and provide enough of ambient lighting if you want your home to seem welcoming.

Use optical illusions to manipulate how a space is seen. Instead of a standard wall, use window walls.

Use Feng Shui to bring positive energy into your home.

Why not start with modifying your interior if you wish to improve your life situation? The ancient Chinese art of feng shui has been practiced for for 3,000 years, and followers believe that following its principles will help them attract good fortune, success, love, and positive energy. True adherence necessitates using a bagua, or energy map, to examine each room and then using those readings to determine each part of its décor – colors, natural materials employed, and so on. If you’re not ready to make the leap, there are a few things that everyone can do to increase their home’s energy efficiency. Make sure your front door is clean, vibrant, and inviting. Arrange your furniture such that you can see the room’s doorway clearly and that it appears welcoming to visitors. Natural components such as flowers and stones can be used to decorate. Maintain a clean and clutter-free environment in your home.

To bring good energy into your home, Feng Shui your living spaces.

The appearance of your home’s interior design is merely one aspect of its overall influence. There is an additional layer of meaning behind the colors you choose for your walls and the way you arrange your furnishings. Every design decision you make has a psychological effect on your subconscious mind. Read over the suggestions above and keep them in mind while you plan your place. Allow us to assist you in creating a setting that is pleasing to both your body and mind. Do you think about how you decorate your home from a psychological standpoint? What design decisions did you made if you’ve already done so?

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