How To Instil Positive Energy In An Organisation

The simplest strategy to encourage success in an organisation is to foster positive energy. You won’t likely be very productive if you don’t feel energised and enthusiastic while working. More than merely having a “glass half full” attitude, positive energy also pertains to the area around you! How to instil positive energy in an organisation.

1. Bring in Some Light

Not only is good lighting ideal for snapping selfies. According to studies, when there is sufficient lighting, employees can become more productive and have more job satisfaction. Imagine entering a workstation that is dimly lit and dark. You won’t feel awake, revived, and prepared to work as a result!

Offices with poor lighting can make it difficult for employees to see bright screens, which can lead to headaches or exhaustion. Make sure you have the proper amount of light in your cubicle so you can work effectively and complete chores. 

2. Include plants

According to a recent study, 37% of workers said they felt less stressed and anxious and 58% said their levels of depression decreased when plants were present in the workplace. A similar study discovered that having plants around your workspace increases productivity by 15%.

Not that you should bring a tree to work, but having living plants close by offers several advantages. A plant at your desk can improve creativity while purifying the air around you.

3. Choose a colour range

Your office space shouldn’t be a rainbow of colours. It might fit your outspoken attitude, but it might also start to distract. According to the Wright Theory of Color, certain hues can elicit various feelings and psychological reactions. For instance, yellow has been found to trigger emotion and boost creativity, while blue has been shown to excite the mind and result in greater productivity.

Additionally, secondary hues like purple, green, and orange have advantageous psychological effects. Orange fosters warmth while green offers serenity and purple encourages reflection. 

4. Get Organized

A crowded desk may reflect in one’s thoughts. Although maintaining organisation may not come naturally to everyone, you’ll eventually be appreciative of your spotless cubicle. According to one estimate, the annual cost of full-time employees searching for lost objects in their workplace is over $89 billion.

In addition to wasting time, clutter has an impact on productivity. 87% of employees admitted that having a disorganised workstation reduced their productivity! 

5. Make it Personal

Why not personalise the area where you spend many hours each day, five days a week, sitting at your desk? Making your office personal by putting up pictures and artwork might also make you happier and more productive. According to 83% of workers, there should be art in the workplace.

Creativity can be aided by art and photography, which can also help with stress reduction. Personal images can serve as a reminder of beloved persons or locations. 

6. Think about cultural fit

Is the culture of your workplace a good fit? Which of the following interests you most: mentoring, networking, the arts, social events, or activism? Look for workplaces that draw people with similar values to your own. For instance, The Riveter draws members who identify with its strong sense of community inclusivity. Citizenship, advocacy, and intersectionality shape the company’s vision. Today’s workplace success depends on your ability to apply diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, regardless of your industry. This is true whether you’re starting a business, leading a team, or providing a product or service. 

7. Compare the value of beauty and utility

Every little thing can influence how comfortable you feel at work, including the ambiance, lighting, seating layouts, and music or a lack thereof. After touring a number of coworking spaces in her area of Seattle, Laura Kobroff, Director of Business Operations at Monarch, decided to work part-time at The Riveter. The most crucial consideration, according to her, was location, followed by a preference for natural light. Create your own list of “dream workspaces” and use it as a benchmark when transferring offices or choosing a location to work.  

8. Practice gratitude

Adrienne Maree Brown, an activist, doula, and the author of Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, asks, “How do we make social justice the most enjoyable human experience?” (Emergent Strategy). Her work highlights the potential impact a positive thinking may have on the world around us and the work we do, just like many of the resources on this list. 

9. Do you like a busy or quiet office environment?

K-cup or water-cooler talk can be amusing or irritating. Meeting new people in a coworking environment may be less stressful than at a big event where there is pressure to mingle and schmooze because of the rotating nature of the members. Is there a bulletin board or a spot to pin business cards in the workspace? If you have a business question, you might get the answer there, and you might also have the answer to someone else’s problem. Consult the community board and use your research skills to initiate one topic each week if you’re feeling daring and up for the task. 

10. Analyze how your organisation values work-life balance

How would you describe your commute? Is there a park where you may go for a stroll during lunch? Your team, do they support a flexible schedule? Prioritize such elements when choosing your workspace if they can help you manage stress (or prevent it altogether). Kobroff says, “I enjoy it [The Riveter Capitol Hill] because it’s close to my apartment, I get 24/7 access with a dedicated workstation in a location with lots of light, and there is a casual professional vibe. “They provide a lot of diverse programmes and the staff is friendly. The coffee is also fantastic. I made it a goal when I first started working there to go to one programme each week, and I’ve gone to financial planning workshops, FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) workshops, and guided meditation sessions.”.

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