10 Foods That Could Lower Risk of Getting Cancer

Cancer is a condition when a few of the body’s cells grow out of control and spread to other bodily regions. In the millions of cells that make up the human body, cancer can develop practically anywhere. Human cells often divide (via a process known as cell growth and multiplication) to create new cells as the body requires them. New cells replace old ones when they die as a result of ageing or damage.

1. Broccoli

Sulforaphane, a plant chemical included in cruciferous vegetables that may have significant anticancer activities, is a component of broccoli. Sulforaphane decreased the size and quantity of breast cancer cells by up to 75%, according to a test-tube research. In a similar vein, sulforaphane treatment reduced tumour size in mice by more than 50% and assisted in the death of prostate cancer cells, according to an animal study. A higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli has also been related in certain studies to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Eating more cruciferous vegetables was linked to a lower risk of colorectal and colon cancer, according to one review of 35 research. Including broccoli in a few of your meals each week may help prevent cancer.

2. Beans

Due to their high fibre content, beans may help prevent colorectal cancer, according to certain studies. According to one study, those who ate more cooked, dried beans had a tendency to have a lower risk of tumour recurrence. The participants in this study, 1,905 persons with a history of colon cancers, were tracked. Additionally, a study on animals revealed that giving rats navy or black beans before causing colon cancer prevented the growth of cancer cells by as much as 75%. These findings suggest that eating a few servings of beans each week may help you consume more fibre and reduce your risk of getting cancer. The current body of knowledge, however, is restricted to animal research and studies that demonstrate connection but not causality. To explicitly investigate this in humans, more research is required.

3. Cinnamon

One of cinnamon’s many health advantages is its capacity to lower blood sugar and alleviate inflammation. Additionally, some research on animals and in test tubes suggests that cinnamon may prevent the spread of cancer cells. Cinnamon extract was shown to be able to stop the spread of cancer cells and cause their death in a test-tube investigation. Another test-tube investigation revealed that cinnamon essential oil dramatically decreased tumour size and inhibited the proliferation of head and neck cancer cells. To fully grasp how cinnamon might influence human cancer development, more research is required.

4. Olive Oil

Given all of its health advantages, it makes sense that olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean diet. Even more research have discovered that consuming more olive oil may help prevent cancer. People who ingested the most olive oil had a decreased chance of acquiring breast cancer and cancer of the digestive system than those who consumed the least, according to a large evaluation of 19 research. Another study that examined the cancer rates in 28 nations discovered that regions with higher use of olive oil had lower risks of colorectal cancer. To benefit from olive oil’s benefits, simply replace other oils in your diet with it.

5. Turmeric

Spices like turmeric are well-known for their ability to improve health. The chemical’s primary component, curcumin, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anticancer properties. In one study, the effects of curcumin were examined in 44 patients who had potentially malignant tumours in their colons. 4 grammes of curcumin taken everyday for 30 days reduced the amount of lesions by 40%. By specifically targeting an enzyme linked to cancer growth, curcumin was also discovered in a test-tube study to lessen the spread of colon cancer cells. Curcumin was shown to aid in the death of head and neck cancer cells in a different test-tube investigation. Other test-tube experiments have demonstrated the efficacy of curcumin in reducing the growth of breast, prostate, and lung cancer cells.

6. Citrus Fruits

In certain studies, eating citrus fruits including lemons, limes, grapefruits, and oranges has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. According to a significant study, those who consumed more citrus fruits had a lower incidence of upper and lower respiratory tract malignancies. Increased consumption of citrus fruits was connected to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study of nine studies. Finally, a meta-analysis of 14 trials found that eating citrus fruit frequently—at least three servings per week—decreased the incidence of stomach cancer by 28%. Remember that other potential contributing factors are not taken into consideration in these investigations.

7. Flaxseed

Flaxseed can be a heart-healthy addition to your diet since it is high in fibre and heart-healthy lipids. According to certain studies, it may even aid in the suppression of cancer cell proliferation. In one trial, for more than a month, 32 breast cancer patients either received a flaxseed muffin daily or a placebo. At the conclusion of the trial, the flaxseed group showed higher levels of cancer cell death and lower levels of particular markers that assess tumour progression. In a different study, flaxseed was given to 161 men who had prostate cancer, and it was discovered that doing so slowed the growth and spread of the cancerous cells. Flaxseed contains a lot of fibre, which is thought to protect against colorectal cancer according to other research.

8. Nuts

Eating nuts may reduce your risk of developing some cancers, according to research. For instance, a study that examined the diets of 19,386 individuals discovered that consuming more nuts was linked to a lower chance of dying from cancer. Another study indicated that eating nuts frequently was linked to a lower risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers. This study followed 30,708 participants for up to 30 years. According to other studies, a lower risk of cancer may be associated with a certain variety of nuts. For instance, Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which may aid patients who have low selenium levels stave off lung cancer.

9. Berries

Berries include significant levels of anthocyanins, plant pigments with antioxidant characteristics that may lower the risk of cancer. One human trial involved 25 patients with colorectal cancer who received bilberry extract for seven days. It was discovered that this treatment slowed the growth of cancer cells by 7%. Another small trial revealed that giving freeze-dried black raspberries to patients with oral cancer reduced levels of several cancer-related indicators. According to one study on animals, feeding rats freeze-dried black raspberries decreased the incidence of esophageal tumours by up to 54% and the quantity of tumours by up to 62%. Similar to this, another study on animals revealed that giving rats berry extract inhibited a number of cancer indicators.

10. Carrots

More carrot consumption has been related to a lower risk of developing several cancers, according to a number of studies. For instance, a review of five research’ findings found that consuming carrots may lower the incidence of stomach cancer by up to 26%. According to a different study, eating more carrots was linked to an 18% lower risk of prostate cancer. In one study, 1,266 participants—with and without lung cancer—had their diets examined. It was discovered that compared to people who ate carrots more than once a week, current smokers who did not consume carrots had a threefold increased risk of developing lung cancer.

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