10 wealth-building and wealth-maintenance tips

Many people share the dream of living a bigger, better life that is made simpler by wealth’s security and safety net. After all, why not? Having enough money to deal with daily pressures seems to be a lot of fun…

The good news is that you can create wealth if you take any deliberate measures to do so – and I don’t mean just daydreaming about it and pinning pretty pictures to a vision board (although that can help set your intentions). You must be focused and consistent with your thoughts and actions in order to make real money and, most importantly, to keep it. And with a few tips from, you can change your attitude and take the small yet important steps to get started on your path to riches.

1. Abundance is an Energy.

Even if it can seem difficult or even infuriating to grasp at first, the most important realization you can make about money is that it is an energy. Stop thinking of it as bits of paper and metal that you have to work out how to grasp, and instead realize that he or she who FEELS rich, and truly feels the possible availability of that associated abundance – financial and otherwise – will begin to notice it reflected in his or her physical life. This is a true story. It’s not a bunch of nonsense. It’s just about being truthful.

You can (and should) focus on improving your relationship with the people who matter most in your life, just as you can (and should) work on improving your relationship with your finances. You’re just a mental hop, skip, and jump away from appreciating that your friendship with money can be established and strengthened if you realize that having good personal relationships with people is based on you showing positive attitudes toward those around you. What’s the next logical step to think about? There are steps you can take to help you achieve your goal of successfully building tangible, long-term wealth. Attitudes influence the flow of energy.

2. Understanding Money Bingeing and Other Sabotaging Behaviours

Bingeing on money, like bingeing on alcohol or food, is often a way of attempting to reclaim power in a life where control has been lost. It’s normal for your finances to swerve off the tracks if you’re out of balance and off the rails. The way too many people use money as a quick fix and Band-Aid remedy – a way to fast-track a pleasure injection of instant gratification – is one of the key reasons for this connection. Feeling down? Here’s something fresh and pricey to make you happy… I’m sure we’ve all done it at some point. When fix-it spending becomes a bad habit – or even an addiction – it’s a way for people to numb their anxiety and fears in exchange for the thrill of a fleeting smile. And that is neither healthy nor long-term.

The only way out is THROUGH: through figuring out what you’re really looking for in those moments. In what areas of your life are you not following your instincts, acting with honesty, or being truly motivated by your values? Where in your busy life are you actually not taking time to relax, be, and pause? All of these factors, if not addressed, can lead to ‘acting out’ in the form of binge spending. Programmed perceptions about not being deserving of money, or money being bad or wrong, can also lead to binge spending and other money-sabotaging behaviors. More on that later, but for now, the most important thing is that you recognize and appreciate the emotions that drive your poor spending habits. It’s the first step toward long-term positive change.

3. Spending and Investing with a Purpose

It’s important to understand that there’s nothing wrong or bad with spending, and you don’t have to feel guilty about it, even if it’s just for fun or indulgence – but you must make the critical distinction between spending and aligning your beliefs and priorities. Is your spending truly broadening your horizons? Do you feel very good about it, and does it make you feel better in any way?

You can feel better about your spending if you can honestly say that it gives you a sense of deep satisfaction and the knowledge that you’re making a positive choice for your own true enjoyment rather than a quick fix. Investing in self-care, such as something that will actively improve your physical or mental health, for example, is a more positive way to spend money than purchasing a pair of expensive shoes that you can feel good about now but may feel bad about later.

Opt the same logic when it comes to investment decisions. Do you act out of fear or desperation, or because you’re well-informed, proud of yourself, and committed to your beliefs and financial goals? Taking the time to study and weigh your spending options is always a good idea, as it will help you decide if something is a need or a desire, as well as how much value it adds to your life.

4. Get started right away; you’re good enough and ready to go.

As ridiculous as it might be, one of the reasons so many adults never achieve their financial goals or begin to feel good about money is that they do not begin taking small steps NOW. Yes, you should have started 5, 10, 20 years ago. You, on the other hand, did not. So get started now, or you’ll be lamenting another few years have passed the next time you read an article like this…

It’s illogical to put off taking small measures to save, invest, and make deliberate, mindful spending decisions because some part of you feels unworthy, so let’s dismiss that notion and get things moving. It is possible to want to be worthy. You should start acting like a person who is happy with their financial situation right now. What is the alternative, after all? When it comes to thinking positively, there’s no point in giving it a shot.

5. Start Small

Don’t let the fact that you can’t save or spend a lot of money or start buying the stuff you want stop you from making small changes in the direction of wealth and aligned money behavior. As with everything in life, producing massive results – the kind that most people will never dare to dream of – begins with tiny, consistent acts.

What if you made a 0.01 percent change in your money-related behavior and thoughts every day? The statistics don’t lie, and there will undoubtedly be changes. Imagine gradually increasing the percentage increments – you can make a long-term difference in your life.

6. Create a Wealthy Environment

What would be different in your life, in your climate, and inside you when you are prosperous and have more financial freedom?

Hacking the world is one of the quickest ways to change outcomes in any region of your life. Simply put, you construct an internal and physical atmosphere that mirrors what will occur when you are ‘there.’ This helps you to gradually change your thinking, your perception of yourself and the world, and, as a result, your behaviour.

It’s similar to how, if you started hanging out with only fit and balanced people, your eating and activity patterns would eventually change. It wouldn’t feel difficult; it would just happen.

This isn’t to say you have to go out and spend a lot of money to ‘look rich.’ It’s about asking yourself what little things you can do to feel plentiful and proud of yourself – many of which will cost you nothing.

7. Reprogram The Mind with New Beliefs

Did you know that you have the ability to rewire your brain and program in new beliefs? Your actual truth, as well as the way you think about money (and maybe believe money thinks about you! ), is merely a representation of what you believe and perceive to be true.

So, what if you just altered your view of reality? Consider what a person who is unafraid of money will think, feel, and believe.

Spend ten minutes each morning writing down your new beliefs. Consider how different the day would be if you really believed. Trust that by focusing on one thing each day, you will change your inner state and, as a result, your reality.

8. Don’t Tell the Story

We all have financial grievances or places where we feel ashamed of our decisions – and we are all guilty of berating ourselves for not doing ‘better’ at times in our lives. But how is your success being aided by this guilt? Singing a boring old song about what you should have done differently isn’t going to make you feel more plentiful or free. Now is the time to make a choice. You write a new story about yourself – and your future prospects – when you change your attitude to be FORWARD-focused.

9. Be Careful of What You Say

Changing your attitude is a great place to start, and then you can focus on your language.

When you start paying attention to the terms and phrases you use over and over again when talking about money or what ‘normal’ looks like in your life, you can start to see ways you can alter your words and no longer express things as they are.

Language is incredibly powerful, and your words really do build your reality – in fact, they are one of the most amazing tools you have for wiring your brain!

Next time you’re about to say something negative about your financial future, ask yourself, “What would I say if I believed I was good with money?” The following critical question is, “What action might I take?”.

10. You Are Stronger Than You Believe!

Finally, keep in mind that you have more control than you believe. You have the power to alter your thoughts, values, energy, emotions, and behavior.

No, it is unlikely to happen immediately. But it isn’t going to happen if you don’t take any kind of action. So get started right now. Begin little. Start with optimism and the belief that you are fully deserving of a fantastic financial relationship. Whatever changes you make, staying committed to not leaving is key. It’s all about consistency, and if you stick with it, things will start to improve.

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