How To Deep Clean Your House This Weekend

Maintaining a clean home entails doing regular cleaning activities such as dishwashing and laundry. Every home, however, requires a more thorough cleaning, a deep cleaning, from time to time. Fortunately, this isn’t something that must be completed over the course of a week. A few helpful hints can assist you in deep cleaning your home over the weekend and giving it that sparkling fresh feel.

If you ever feel frustrated by the task at hand, know that hiring a cleaning service has a lot of advantages and will save you a lot of time and stress.


To begin with, preparing a deep cleaning and actually doing it are two completely different things. You won’t miss anything if you make a checklist of the tasks that need to be done throughout your house, as well as more specific checklists for each room. You should do this while sipping your morning coffee. You’re able to get to work once you’ve completed your checklists. Look for any suggestions that will assist you in cleaning your home like a pro and making your day easier.


Every deep cleaning checklist should include some chores. Let’s take a look at the activities that are absolutely necessary if you want to deep clean your home successfully.

Getting rid of clutter

It’s difficult to comprehend how many unwanted and unused things we all have in our homes. They all have one thing in common: they’re things you don’t like, don’t use much, or don’t know how to use. They belong in the category of clutter. You must first declutter your home before you can properly clean it.

You can gather all of the things you no longer require or desire in one spot. Then group them into groups based on what you want to get rid of, what you want to sell, and what you want to donate to charity. If you’re not sure what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of, consider finding storage that can accommodate all of your belongings. The main thing is that you are removing clutter and making room for new items.

Vacuuming, mopping, and dusting

Vacuuming and mopping the floors, as well as dusting, are all activities that must be done in each room of your home. Grab your mop and get to work on your floors after a lengthy vacuuming session. Wipe off all of your boards, including those that are difficult to access.

When dusting, make sure to wipe down all counters, tables, and shelves, as well as any decorative items in the room.

The area of the living room

Although vacuuming is an important part of deep cleaning the living room, there is still much more to be done. You can vacuum the furniture in addition to the floor. Check under the sofa for any things that may be there and remove them.

Remove the curtains and giving them a thorough cleaning before rehanging them. Windowsills are one of those things that people overlook but can disinfect. Wipe off any windowsills and blinds, as well as the windows themselves. It’s incredible how much cleaner a room appears when the windows are clean.

The kitchen area

You may enjoy a deep-fried meal now and then, but that meal often results in greasy deposits in your kitchen. Cleaning and maintaining our house includes wiping down our kitchen counters and even giving them a good scrub with warm soapy water. However, we must put in a little extra effort in the kitchen while deep cleaning. Keep a close eye on your stovetop and the area around it. This is often a source of contention.

It’s important to keep in mind that many kitchen appliances and areas receive a lot of human contact. Kitchen cabinets, faucets, microwave handles, oven door handles, kitchen cupboard handles, and drawer handles are all examples. We frequently use these when our hands are either greasy or sticky. As a result, it’s critical to clean all of these thoroughly to ensure that even the hardest spots are removed.

Mold or mildew may form around the faucets, or limescale may have built up, so be sure to thoroughly clean this area.

Remember to clean your kitchen backsplash, which is a common source of grease and dirt buildup.

The bathroom area

When it comes to washing, the bathroom is probably the part of the house that people want to avoid the most. However, it is an area that must be washed, so how can a bathroom be cleaned? We need to concentrate on certain aspects of the bathroom.

Pay special attention to the tiles, faucets, and toilet, but don’t overlook the mirror and shower door or bath screen. For your toilet bowl, use toilet cleaning fluids or disinfectant, as well as a toilet brush. Scrub it thoroughly.

Allow the hot water in your shower to run for a few minutes to generate some steam. This can help loosen any dirt and grime from your shower’s tiles. Scrub them well with a sponge. In your bathroom, using baking soda or lemon as a natural cleaning agent can also make your job easier. It will also leave a pleasant scent in your bathroom.

Remember to scrub the taps and faucets, as well as any hair or debris that has accumulated in the sink. Scrub the sinks well with a sponge as well.

On mirrors and shower or bath screens, water also leaves spots and traces. Wipe these down and your bathroom will be spotless.

Given that we are in the midst of a pandemic, disinfecting all surfaces after cleaning them is a good idea. Finally, when washing, make sure you wear gloves to cover your skin.


Deep cleaning is required from time to time, whether you have lived in your home for years or have recently moved into a new one. Deep cleaning is well worth the effort because it can turn your new apartment into a cozy haven. Not only that, but you’ll have the assurance that no signs of the previous owners remain.

It’s Sunday afternoon in the blink of an eye, and you can finally kick your feet up. Enjoy your evening knowing that you completed a weekend-long deep cleaning of your home.

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