What meals to eat and What foods to avoid during Suhoor

What you eat, or don’t eat, during Ramadan has a significant impact on your energy levels. It’s easy to overeat and drink sugary beverages during iftar and suhoor after fasting all day, but you could be doing yourself a favor. Iftar and suhoor meals, according to Rahma Ali, a clinical nutritionist at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, should be properly balanced and include foods from each dietary group, such as vegetables, grains, meat, and dairy products, and fruit.

“Fasting during Ramadan can be beneficial to one’s health, but only if done correctly. If you don’t, you can end up doing more harm than good. When you see a display of tempting food, it’s crucial to keep your cool. “Remember that Ramadan is a month to harvest blessings and benefits while also strengthening your spiritual connection,” Ali advises.”Suhoor must be nutritious to supply enough energy to withstand the long hours of fasting.” 

The food you eat must keep you hydrated, so pay close attention to the foods you eat throughout suhour. “While suhoor is necessary, iftar eating habits must also be evaluated. As a result, it is critical to break the fast with balanced food throughout Ramadan to ensure that your body’s key nutritional demands are addressed. Sodium and potassium, for example, are lost through sweating, especially in the summer.”

During suhour: What should you eat?

Foods high in protein: Protein and other nutrients are abundant in eggs. They not only help you stay fuller for longer but they may also be prepared in a variety of ways to suit your preferences.

Oatmeal is a high-fiber food, which your body requires during suhour. Soluble fiber gels in the stomach, slowing digestion and lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels while keeping you energized throughout your fast.

Foods high in calcium and vitamins: Dairy products are high in calcium and protein and are a good source of nourishment. To stay full and hydrated during the day, try a yogurt smoothie or a vanilla and honey milkshake.

What to stay away from during suhour

Sugars, white flour, pastries, doughnuts, and croissants are examples of simple or refined carbs that provide satisfaction for only three to four hours and are poor in essential nutrients.

Salty foods make you thirsty during fasting due to an imbalance of sodium levels in your body, so avoid salted nuts, pickles, chips, and soy sauce-based foods.

Caffeinated beverages: Caffeine in coffee causes sleeplessness and restlessness. Furthermore, it does not hydrate you and makes you thirsty all day.

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