For a child to be successful, happy, and healthy in the future, they must have confidence. Children who are more confident are better able to handle pressure from their peers, responsibility, frustration, difficulties, and both positive and negative emotions. And what is the KEY factor in developing a child’s confidence? YOU! The child’s parents and teachers.
1. Let kids pack for a trip
The way we see our kids (or the way our kids believe we see them) has a tremendous impact on the way they see themselves. Make it clear to your children (or to your students) that you love and care for them even when they make mistakes or poor decisions, and avoid harshly criticising or shaming them.
2. Ask for their advice or opinion on decisions
For example, This weekend, my family had a choice: go to the cottage or go to an extended family BBQ. Well, I asked my son for his opinion. He chose the family BBQ. By seeking his viewpoint, I let him know that he is a valued family member and that his opinion counts.
3. The CREATE game
The CREATE activity is simple but can be a colossal creativity booster for your kids. Gather some recyclable materials and put them on a tray or table. The amazing CREATE challenge is to make something artistic out of all the materials after your youngster has had a chance to explore the objects. Remind your kids they can create anything they want! And just watch their little minds go. There is no wrong creation here, and this empowers kids and is a major self-esteem booster! (And it is fun.) I also love to plop the enormous bin of random lego in front of my toddler and say, go! Create something, anything!
4. Practice yoga
It turns out and yoga isn’t just for adults. Both adults and children can benefit greatly from yoga and mindfulness. A daily yoga practise improves focus, self-esteem, memory, academic performance, classroom behaviour and even helps reduce anxiety and stress in children. Yoga also teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity in kids. Clear your mind. For kids, I adore Cosmic Yoga. So go on and help strengthen your kids growing bodies while improving their flexibility and confidence.
5. Invent a recipe
Pretend you are a master chef and create a gourmet pancake recipe or a unique ice cream sundae with all the fixing’s. I love the pancake or ice cream recipe challenge because you can add pretty much anything you like. Beforehand, invent the recipe, utilise our recipe template, or print out or write down the ingredients and instructions on a sheet of paper. Now, it’s time to create! Allow your child to make their own pancakes or sundaes (BUT: ensure you are supervising anytime the stove is involved) So even when they try to add pickles to the pancakes or raisins to the sundae, let them. This is their gourmet recipe.You can always later discuss what you could have done differently to make them tastier.
6. Daily chores or small tasks
Did you know a child’s self-esteem can increase if they feel like someone trusts them? So, trust in your child to do daily chores or help you with small tasks. On creating a system of household chores, we have a lot of beneficial resources (and an excellent free chore chart). If I’m cooking, I’ll ask him to sprinkle the cheese on our dish. If I’m sweeping, I’ll ask him to hold the dustpan. There are endless opportunities to engage your child in daily tasks. Additionally, instead of making fun of them when they spill the entire mop water on the floor, try to teach them from their errors. Positive reinforcement is always the way to go!
7. Encourage them to try a theater class
Theater classes are a great way to boost confidence. Trying something new helps children feel capable, and theatre teaches them to speak confidently in front of others and expand their comfort zone. Parents and teachers alike can encourage kids to try out a theatre, and teachers may even be able to incorporate roleplaying or drama games into the classroom.
8. Let them overhear you speaking positively about them to others
Another quick, easy technique to improve a child’s confidence is to “accidentally” let him hear you praise his wonderful achievements and efforts to others. Children are sometimes cynical when we directly praise them, but hearing you repeat this praise to others makes it more convincing (and even more important) (and even more meaningful).
9. Help them overcome the fear of failure
The fear of failure often hinders children from trying their best and realising their utmost potential, which can naturally erode confidence. Help kids overcome the fear of failure by teaching them that mistakes are a perfectly acceptable part of life and that people rarely achieve success without challenges and setbacks.
10. Encourage them to express their feelings
When you criticise or overlook a child’s feelings, he may feel that his emotions don’t matter and conclude that this means he doesn’t matter either. Encourage children to express both positive and negative emotions, and help them talk through these emotions in a healthy manner.